Monday, November 28, 2011

Closet Clean-up

I am an organization queen.  The opposite of a hoarder, a slightly OCD clean freak who doesn’t like unnecessary things sitting around.  I love helping my friends clear out their clutter and talking them out of saving a pair of heels worn down to the nubs.  So, when I recently took a good, hard look at my own closet, I realized some things needed to go.  I had multiple pairs of shoes on the floor, with no more room on the shoe rack.  I decided to have a mini closet overhaul and get rid of some things I needed to part with.

I went through my closet piece by piece and plucked out things I didn’t love or haven’t worn in years.  If I couldn’t decide whether to keep or toss, I simply asked myself two questions – 1. Have I worn this in the last 2 years?  And 2. Would I feel excited and pretty wearing this?  If I haven’t worn something in over 2 years, that probably means I don’t love it and if I am not excited to wear something what is the point in keeping it?!

I ended up getting rid of a few things…

6 tops either boring or ill-fitting
1 purse from high school (eek!)
2 pair of heels completely worn down
1 dress which made me look like I was 16
1 pair or jeans (again, from high school)

I feel very good about my closet purge and must remind myself in the future, if I buy one new thing, I must get rid of one old thing! 




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